USA: i fumetti più venduti del 2016
Qual è il fumetto che ha venduto di più nel 2016? E chi tra Marvel e DC Comics ha venduto di più? Cosa ci dice il 2016 nel mercato delle fumetterie statunitensi?
Dopo un paio di mesi di assenza torniamo a parlare del mercato fumettistico americano cercando di fare il punto della situazione e dando uno sguardo allo scorso anno.
Partiamo subito dall’argomento più interessante: quali sono i fumetti che più hanno venduto nel 2016? Qual è la casa editrice che ha tratto il maggior profitto dalle proprie strategie editoriali?
Per fare questo ragionamento partiremo dalle classifiche di vendita Diamond. Come abbiamo già detto più volte i dati del gigante della distribuzione statunitense non possono essere considerati come valori assoluti: non tengono conto del mercato delle librerie di varia, della distribuzione indiretta (come newsstand e Wal-mart), delle vendite digitali e delle vendite su Amazon. Ma si tratta comunque di circa il 55% del mercato globale per cui si tratta ancora di un campione statistico interessante e valido.
Questi sono i 300 fumetti più venduti del 2016 con le relative stime di incasso lordo:
Pos | Titolo | n° | Prezzo | Editore | Copie vendute | Incassi |
1 | Big Trouble in Little China/Escape From New York | 1† | 3,99 | Boom | 421.625 | $1.682.283,75 |
2 | Civil War II | 1 | 5,99 | Marvel | 381.737 | $2.286.604,63 |
3 | Harley Quinn | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 359.957 | $1.076.271,43 |
4 | Champions | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 328.165 | $1.637.543,35 |
5 | All Star Batman | 1* | 4,99 | DC | 289.348 | $1.443.846,52 |
6 | Batman | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 280.360 | $838.276,40 |
7 | Black Panther | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 253.259 | $1.263.762,41 |
8 | DC Universe Rebirth | 1 | 2,99 | DC | 235.791 | $705.015,09 |
9 | Suicide Squad | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 217.672 | $650.839,28 |
10 | Justice League | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 209.187 | $625.469,13 |
11 | Batman Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 199.807 | $597.422,93 |
12 | Amazing Spider-Man | 16 | 3,99 | Marvel | 185.342 | $739.514,58 |
13 | Justice League vs Suicide Squad | 1 | 3,99 | DC | 179.643 | $716.775,57 |
14 | Suicide Squad Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 177.806 | $531.639,94 |
15 | Justice League Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 177.638 | $531.137,62 |
16 | Civil War II | 0 | 4,99 | Marvel | 177.283 | $884.642,17 |
17 | Batman | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 177.105 | $529.543,95 |
18 | Civil War II | 3 | 4,99 | Marvel | 176.876 | $882.611,24 |
19 | Star Wars Poe Dameron | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 175.322 | $874.856,78 |
20 | Batman | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 168.939 | $505.127,61 |
21 | IVX | 1 | 5,99 | Marvel | 167.703 | $1.004.540,97 |
22 | Batman | 50 | 5,99 | DC | 163.406 | $978.801,94 |
23 | Walking Dead | 150 | 2,99 | Image | 156.166 | $466.936,34 |
24 | Batman | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 152.985 | $457.425,15 |
25 | Star Wars Han Solo | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 152.596 | $608.858,04 |
26 | Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 149.710 | $597.342,90 |
27 | Secret Wars | 9 | 4,99 | Marvel | 149.028 | $743.649,72 |
28 | Civil War II | 2 | 4,99 | Marvel | 148.403 | $740.530,97 |
29 | Dark Knight III: The Master Race | 3 | 5,99 | DC | 146.044 | $874.803,56 |
30 | Dark Knight III Master Race | 4 | 5,99 | DC | 143.055 | $856.899,45 |
31 | Batman | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 142.142 | $425.004,58 |
32 | Dark Knight III Master Race | 5 | 5,99 | DC | 139.919 | $838.114,81 |
33 | Batman | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 138.853 | $415.170,47 |
34 | All Star Batman | 2* | 4,99 | DC | 137.748 | $687.362,52 |
35 | Batman | 7 | 2,99 | DC | 135.585 | $405.399,15 |
36 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 133.813 | $533.913,87 |
37 | Dark Knight III Master Race | 6 | 5,99 | DC | 133.642 | $800.515,58 |
38 | Batman | 8 | 2,99 | DC | 129.837 | $388.212,63 |
39 | Nightwing Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 127.846 | $382.259,54 |
40 | Justice League | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 127.402 | $380.931,98 |
41 | Civil War II | 4 | 4,99 | Marvel | 126.865 | $633.056,35 |
42 | Batman | 9 | 2,99 | DC | 126.090 | $377.009,10 |
43 | Dark Knight Returns The Last Crusade | 1 | 6,99 | DC | 122.305 | $854.911,95 |
44 | Batman | 10 | 2,99 | DC | 120.901 | $361.493,99 |
45 | Star Wars Special C-3PO | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 120.841 | $602.996,59 |
46 | Civil War II | 5 | 4,99 | Marvel | 120.208 | $599.837,92 |
47 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | 1 | 3,99 | Boom | 119.536 | $476.948,64 |
48 | Dark Knight III Master Race | 7 | 5,99 | DC | 119.114 | $713.492,86 |
49 | Civil War II | 6 | 4,99 | Marvel | 118.625 | $591.938,75 |
50 | Star Wars | 14 | 3,99 | Marvel | 118.471 | $472.699,29 |
51 | Superman Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 118.434 | $354.117,66 |
52 | New Super Man | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 117.684 | $351.875,16 |
53 | Batman | 11 | 2,99 | DC | 116.690 | $348.903,10 |
54 | Harley Quinn | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 116.651 | $348.786,49 |
55 | Civil War II | 7 | 4,99 | Marvel | 116.447 | $581.070,53 |
56 | Nightwing | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 114.787 | $343.213,13 |
57 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 113.965 | $340.755,35 |
58 | Supergirl Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 112.807 | $337.292,93 |
59 | Batman | 12 | 2,99 | DC | 111.391 | $333.059,09 |
60 | Darth Vader | 25 | 5,99 | Marvel | 111.381 | $667.172,19 |
61 | Justice League | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 110.738 | $331.106,62 |
62 | Punisher | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 110.726 | $441.796,74 |
63 | Star Wars | 16 | 3,99 | Marvel | 110.407 | $440.523,93 |
64 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 108.708 | $325.036,92 |
65 | Batman | 13 | 2,99 | DC | 108.407 | $324.136,93 |
66 | Star Wars | 15 | 3,99 | Marvel | 107.858 | $430.353,42 |
67 | Wonder Woman | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 107.737 | $322.133,63 |
68 | Star Wars | 17 | 3,99 | Marvel | 107.058 | $427.161,42 |
69 | All Star Batman | 3* | 4,99 | DC | 106.905 | $533.455,95 |
70 | Civil War II | 8 | 4,99 | Marvel | 105.658 | $527.233,42 |
71 | Superman | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 105.380 | $315.086,20 |
72 | Star Wars | 26 | 3,99 | Marvel | 104.563 | $417.206,37 |
73 | Old Man Logan | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 104.362 | $520.766,38 |
74 | Wonder Woman | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 103.759 | $310.239,41 |
75 | Flash | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 103.308 | $308.890,92 |
76 | Obi-Wan and Anakin | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 102.861 | $410.415,39 |
77 | Batman | 49 | 3,99 | DC | 102.689 | $409.729,11 |
78 | Titans | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 102.433 | $306.274,67 |
79 | Batman | 52 | 3,99 | DC | 102.197 | $407.766,03 |
80 | Superman | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 101.953 | $304.839,47 |
81 | Batman | 51 | 3,99 | DC | 101.922 | $406.668,78 |
82 | Batman | 48 | 3,99 | DC | 100.962 | $402.838,38 |
83 | Gwenpool | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 100.852 | $503.251,48 |
84 | Detective Comics | 936* | 2,99 | DC | 100.626 | $300.871,74 |
85 | Flash | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 100.392 | $300.172,08 |
86 | Spider-Man | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 99.951 | $398.804,49 |
87 | Captain America Steve Rogers | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 99.768 | $497.842,32 |
88 | Green Lanterns Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 99.504 | $297.516,96 |
89 | Deathstroke Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 99.318 | $296.960,82 |
90 | Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 99.151 | $296.461,49 |
91 | Star Wars Doctor Aphra | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 99.067 | $494.344,33 |
92 | All Star Batman | 4 | 4,99 | DC | 99.064 | $494.329,36 |
93 | Star Wars | 18 | 3,99 | Marvel | 98.880 | $394.531,20 |
94 | Darth Vader | 15 | 3,99 | Marvel | 98.405 | $392.635,95 |
95 | Invincible Iron Man | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 97.713 | $389.874,87 |
96 | Walking Dead | 157 | 2,99 | Image | 97.689 | $292.090,11 |
97 | Superman | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 97.606 | $291.841,94 |
98 | Flash | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 97.334 | $291.028,66 |
99 | Detective Comics | 934* | 2,99 | DC | 96.581 | $288.777,19 |
100 | Batgirl | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 96.177 | $287.569,23 |
101 | Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 96.111 | $479.593,89 |
102 | Star Wars | 20 | 3,99 | Marvel | 96.047 | $383.227,53 |
103 | Star Wars | 19 | 3,99 | Marvel | 95.156 | $379.672,44 |
104 | Justice League | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 94.548 | $282.698,52 |
105 | Wonder Woman | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 94.465 | $282.450,35 |
106 | Wonder Woman Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 94.458 | $282.429,42 |
107 | Walking Dead | 158 | 2,99 | Image | 94.316 | $282.004,84 |
108 | Detective Comics | 935* | 2,99 | DC | 94.015 | $281.104,85 |
109 | Trinity | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 93.797 | $280.453,03 |
110 | Uncanny X-Men | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 93.252 | $372.075,48 |
111 | Nightwing | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 93.131 | $278.461,69 |
112 | Flash | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 92.916 | $277.818,84 |
113 | Justice League | 50 | 5,99 | DC | 92.423 | $553.613,77 |
114 | Detective Comics | 937* | 2,99 | DC | 92.172 | $275.594,28 |
115 | Superwoman | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 92.081 | $275.322,19 |
116 | Superman | 50 | 4,99 | DC | 91.396 | $456.066,04 |
117 | Walking Dead | 159 | 2,99 | Image | 91.291 | $272.960,09 |
118 | Batman Annual | 1 | 4,99 | DC | 91.033 | $454.254,67 |
119 | Star Wars | 21 | 3,99 | Marvel | 90.863 | $362.543,37 |
120 | Clone Conspiracy | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 90.285 | $450.522,15 |
121 | Supergirl | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 90.247 | $269.838,53 |
122 | Deadpool Mercs For Money | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 90.186 | $359.842,14 |
123 | Venom | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 90.138 | $359.650,62 |
124 | Hulk | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 89.810 | $358.341,90 |
125 | Flash Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 89.618 | $267.957,82 |
126 | Suicide Squad | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 89.575 | $267.829,25 |
127 | Justice League | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 89.342 | $267.132,58 |
128 | Justice League | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 89.073 | $266.328,27 |
129 | Detective Comics | 938* | 2,99 | DC | 88.935 | $265.915,65 |
130 | Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 88.838 | $265.625,62 |
131 | Walking Dead | 160 | 2,99 | Image | 88.367 | $264.217,33 |
132 | Deadpool | 7 | 9,99 | Marvel | 88.264 | $881.757,36 |
133 | Amazing Spider-Man | 9 | 3,99 | Marvel | 88.164 | $351.774,36 |
134 | Superman | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 88.154 | $263.580,46 |
135 | Amazing Spider-Man | 15 | 3,99 | Marvel | 87.994 | $351.096,06 |
136 | All Star Batman | 5 | 4,99 | DC | 87.422 | $436.235,78 |
137 | Darth Vader | 20 | 4,99 | Marvel | 86.641 | $432.338,59 |
138 | Justice League | 7 | 2,99 | DC | 85.789 | $256.509,11 |
139 | Walking Dead | 161 | 2,99 | Image | 85.459 | $255.522,41 |
140 | Wonder Woman | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 85.329 | $255.133,71 |
141 | Star Wars | 22 | 3,99 | Marvel | 85.126 | $339.652,74 |
142 | Teen Titans Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 84.919 | $253.907,81 |
143 | Green Lanterns | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 84.910 | $253.880,90 |
144 | IVX | 0 | 4,99 | Marvel | 84.181 | $420.063,19 |
145 | Red Hood and the Outlaws | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 83.849 | $250.708,51 |
146 | Black Panther | 5 | 3,99 | Marvel | 83.756 | $334.186,44 |
147 | Star Wars Han Solo | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 83.738 | $334.114,62 |
148 | Deathstroke | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 83.602 | $249.969,98 |
149 | Flash | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 83.482 | $249.611,18 |
150 | Action Comics | 959* | 2,99 | DC | 83.337 | $249.177,63 |
151 | Detective Comics | 941 | 2,99 | DC | 82.953 | $248.029,47 |
152 | Flash | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 82.930 | $247.960,70 |
153 | Suicide Squad | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 82.623 | $247.042,77 |
154 | Star Wars | 23 | 3,99 | Marvel | 82.570 | $329.454,30 |
155 | Justice League Suicide Squad | 2 | 3,99 | DC | 82.485 | $329.115,15 |
156 | Green Lanterns | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 82.062 | $245.365,38 |
157 | Avengers | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 81.885 | $408.606,15 |
158 | Green Arrow Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 81.760 | $244.462,40 |
159 | Harley Quinn | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 81.635 | $244.088,65 |
160 | Nightwing | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 81.555 | $243.849,45 |
161 | Detective Comics | 939* | 2,99 | DC | 81.465 | $243.580,35 |
162 | Detective Comics | 942 | 2,99 | DC | 81.432 | $243.481,68 |
163 | Superman | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 81.339 | $243.203,61 |
164 | Invincible Iron Man | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 81.271 | $324.271,29 |
165 | Darth Vader | 16 | 3,99 | Marvel | 81.147 | $323.776,53 |
166 | Detective Comics | 940 | 2,99 | DC | 80.897 | $241.882,03 |
167 | Justice League | 8 | 2,99 | DC | 80.696 | $241.281,04 |
168 | Darth Vader | 17 | 3,99 | Marvel | 80.269 | $320.273,31 |
169 | Star Wars Force Awakens Adaptation | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 79.626 | $397.333,74 |
170 | Power Man and Iron Fist | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 79.069 | $315.485,31 |
171 | Darth Vader | 21 | 3,99 | Marvel | 79.065 | $315.469,35 |
172 | Green Lanterns | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 78.708 | $235.336,92 |
173 | Deadpool Back In Black | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 78.653 | $313.825,47 |
174 | Deadpool | 13 | 9,99 | Marvel | 78.536 | $784.574,64 |
175 | Star Wars | 24 | 3,99 | Marvel | 78.160 | $311.858,40 |
176 | Flash | 7 | 2,99 | DC | 78.057 | $233.390,43 |
177 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 77.972 | $233.136,28 |
178 | Darth Vader | 18 | 3,99 | Marvel | 77.942 | $310.988,58 |
179 | Justice League | 9 | 2,99 | DC | 77.905 | $232.935,95 |
180 | Wonder Woman | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 77.860 | $232.801,40 |
181 | Black Panther | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 77.654 | $309.839,46 |
182 | Darth Vader | 22 | 3,99 | Marvel | 77.610 | $309.663,90 |
183 | Darth Vader | 23 | 3,99 | Marvel | 77.430 | $308.945,70 |
184 | Aquaman | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 77.041 | $230.352,59 |
185 | Darth Vader | 19 | 3,99 | Marvel | 76.965 | $307.090,35 |
186 | Flash | 8 | 2,99 | DC | 76.749 | $229.479,51 |
187 | Hellblazer Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 76.731 | $229.425,69 |
188 | Amazing Spider-Man | 6 | 3,99 | Marvel | 76.517 | $305.302,83 |
189 | Walking Dead | 156* | 2,99 | Image | 76.355 | $228.301,45 |
190 | Doom Patrol | 1* | 3,99 | DC | 76.225 | $304.137,75 |
191 | Superman | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 76.124 | $227.610,76 |
192 | Batman TMNT Adventures | 1* | 3,99 | IDW | 75.974 | $303.136,26 |
193 | Batgirl and the Birds of Prey | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 75.892 | $226.917,08 |
194 | Death of X | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 75.825 | $378.366,75 |
195 | Action Comics | 960* | 2,99 | DC | 75.710 | $226.372,90 |
196 | Action Comics | 958* | 2,99 | DC | 75.661 | $226.226,39 |
197 | Darth Vader | 24 | 3,99 | Marvel | 75.401 | $300.849,99 |
198 | Amazing Spider-Man | 7 | 3,99 | Marvel | 75.357 | $300.674,43 |
199 | Harley Quinn & Suicide Squad April Fools Special | 1 | 4,99 | DC | 75.354 | $376.016,46 |
200 | Action Comics | 957* | 2,99 | DC | 75.349 | $225.293,51 |
201 | Star Wars | 25 | 4,99 | Marvel | 75.234 | $375.417,66 |
202 | Black Panther | 3 | 3,99 | Marvel | 75.037 | $299.397,63 |
203 | Reborn | 1 | 3,99 | Image | 74.967 | $299.118,33 |
204 | Amazing Spider-Man | 12 | 3,99 | Marvel | 74.963 | $299.102,37 |
205 | Amazing Spider-Man | 17 | 3,99 | Marvel | 74.869 | $298.727,31 |
206 | Wonder Woman | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 74.856 | $223.819,44 |
207 | Detective Comics | 943 | 2,99 | DC | 74.340 | $222.276,60 |
208 | Flash | 9 | 2,99 | DC | 74.311 | $222.189,89 |
209 | Jessica Jones | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 74.291 | $296.421,09 |
210 | Infamous Iron Man | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 73.735 | $294.202,65 |
211 | Harley Quinn | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 73.678 | $220.297,22 |
212 | Justice League | 10 | 2,99 | DC | 73.652 | $220.219,48 |
213 | Amazing Spider-Man | 10 | 3,99 | Marvel | 73.643 | $293.835,57 |
214 | Amazing Spider-Man | 19 | 4,99 | Marvel | 73.215 | $365.342,85 |
215 | Blue Beetle Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 72.993 | $218.249,07 |
216 | Doctor Strange | 12 | 3,99 | Marvel | 72.990 | $291.230,10 |
217 | Superman | 7 | 2,99 | DC | 72.867 | $217.872,33 |
218 | Green Arrow | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 72.864 | $217.863,36 |
219 | Green Arrow | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 72.849 | $217.818,51 |
220 | Titans | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 72.799 | $217.669,01 |
221 | Deadpool | 8 | 3,99 | Marvel | 72.706 | $290.096,94 |
222 | Justice League | 48 | 3,99 | DC | 72.704 | $290.088,96 |
223 | Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 72.556 | $289.498,44 |
224 | New Super Man | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 72.522 | $216.840,78 |
225 | Justice League | 52 | 3,99 | DC | 72.413 | $288.927,87 |
226 | Black Panther | 4 | 3,99 | Marvel | 72.302 | $288.484,98 |
227 | Titans Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 72.086 | $215.537,14 |
228 | Detective Comics | 944 | 2,99 | DC | 71.923 | $215.049,77 |
229 | Action Comics | 961* | 2,99 | DC | 71.821 | $214.744,79 |
230 | Walking Dead | 155 | 2,99 | Image | 71.755 | $214.547,45 |
231 | Amazing Spider-Man | 8 | 3,99 | Marvel | 71.599 | $285.680,01 |
232 | Justice League | 11 | 2,99 | DC | 71.527 | $213.865,73 |
233 | Amazing Spider-Man | 18 | 3,99 | Marvel | 71.159 | $283.924,41 |
234 | Green Lanterns | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 71.140 | $212.708,60 |
235 | Justice League | 49 | 3,99 | DC | 71.131 | $283.812,69 |
236 | Hawkeye | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 70.884 | $282.827,16 |
237 | Betty & Veronica | 1 | 3,99 | Archie | 70.830 | $282.611,70 |
238 | International Iron Man | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 70.824 | $282.587,76 |
239 | Flash | 10 | 2,99 | DC | 70.681 | $211.336,19 |
240 | Aquaman | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 70.500 | $210.795,00 |
241 | Unworthy Thor | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 70.424 | $280.991,76 |
242 | Wonder Woman | 7 | 2,99 | DC | 70.118 | $209.652,82 |
243 | Justice League | 51 | 3,99 | DC | 70.059 | $279.535,41 |
244 | Detective Comics | 945 | 2,99 | DC | 69.942 | $209.126,58 |
245 | Nightwing | 5 | 2,99 | DC | 69.938 | $209.114,62 |
246 | Superman | 8 | 2,99 | DC | 69.905 | $209.015,95 |
247 | Green Arrow | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 69.833 | $208.800,67 |
248 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 69.801 | $278.505,99 |
249 | Scooby Apocalypse | 1 | 3,99 | DC | 69.520 | $277.384,80 |
250 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 8 | 3,99 | Marvel | 69.519 | $277.380,81 |
251 | Suicide Squad | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 69.385 | $207.461,15 |
252 | Nightwing | 6 | 2,99 | DC | 69.246 | $207.045,54 |
253 | Star Wars Poe Dameron | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 68.962 | $275.158,38 |
254 | Walking Dead | 154 | 2,99 | Image | 68.922 | $206.076,78 |
255 | Civil War II X-Men | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 68.470 | $273.195,30 |
256 | Aquaman Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 68.369 | $204.423,31 |
257 | Aquaman | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 68.360 | $204.396,40 |
258 | Flash | 11 | 2,99 | DC | 68.304 | $204.228,96 |
259 | Avengers Standoff Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 68.004 | $339.339,96 |
260 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 3 | 3,99 | Marvel | 68.003 | $271.331,97 |
261 | Batman Beyond Rebirth | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 67.929 | $203.107,71 |
262 | Star Wars Han Solo | 3 | 3,99 | Marvel | 67.816 | $270.585,84 |
263 | Green Arrow | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 67.577 | $202.055,23 |
264 | Amazing Spider-Man | 20 | 3,99 | Marvel | 67.530 | $269.444,70 |
265 | Amazing Spider-Man | 11 | 3,99 | Marvel | 67.446 | $269.109,54 |
266 | Walking Dead | 151 | 2,99 | Image | 67.381 | $201.469,19 |
267 | Walking Dead | 153 | 2,99 | Image | 67.358 | $201.400,42 |
268 | Superman | 9 | 2,99 | DC | 67.321 | $201.289,79 |
269 | Walking Dead | 152 | 2,99 | Image | 67.258 | $201.101,42 |
270 | Superman | 10 | 2,99 | DC | 66.956 | $200.198,44 |
271 | Fallen | 1 | 4,99 | Marvel | 66.578 | $332.224,22 |
272 | Captain America Steve Rogers | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 66.416 | $264.999,84 |
273 | Wonder Woman | 8 | 2,99 | DC | 66.405 | $198.550,95 |
274 | Detective Comics | 946 | 2,99 | DC | 66.374 | $198.458,26 |
275 | Deadpool Vs Gambit | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.773 | $262.434,27 |
276 | A-Force | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.661 | $261.987,39 |
277 | Amazing Spider-Man | 14 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.646 | $261.927,54 |
278 | Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 5 | 3,99 | DC | 65.616 | $261.807,84 |
279 | Amazing Spider-Man | 13 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.519 | $261.420,81 |
280 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 9 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.502 | $261.352,98 |
281 | Captain America Steve Rogers | 3 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.455 | $261.165,45 |
282 | Deadpool And Mercs For Money | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.339 | $260.702,61 |
283 | Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 4 | 3,99 | DC | 65.132 | $259.876,68 |
284 | Trinity | 2* | 2,99 | DC | 65.106 | $194.666,94 |
285 | Detective Comics | 947 | 2,99 | DC | 65.090 | $194.619,10 |
286 | Gamora | 1 | 3,99 | Marvel | 65.032 | $259.477,68 |
287 | Teen Titans | 1* | 2,99 | DC | 64.963 | $194.239,37 |
288 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 4 | 3,99 | Marvel | 64.931 | $259.074,69 |
289 | Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 6 | 3,99 | DC | 64.911 | $258.994,89 |
290 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 64.737 | $193.563,63 |
291 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 6 | 3,99 | Marvel | 64.630 | $257.873,70 |
292 | Wonder Woman | 9 | 2,99 | DC | 64.555 | $193.019,45 |
293 | Deadpool | 10 | 3,99 | Marvel | 64.509 | $257.390,91 |
294 | Flash | 12 | 2,99 | DC | 64.476 | $192.783,24 |
295 | Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 3 | 3,99 | DC | 64.444 | $257.131,56 |
296 | Action Comics | 962* | 2,99 | DC | 64.328 | $192.340,72 |
297 | Avengers | 2 | 3,99 | Marvel | 64.289 | $256.513,11 |
298 | Green Lanterns | 5* | 2,99 | DC | 64.252 | $192.113,48 |
299 | Titans | 3* | 2,99 | DC | 64.248 | $192.101,52 |
300 | Nightwing | 4* | 2,99 | DC | 64.229 | $192.044,71 |
Al primo posto svetta, non troppo inaspettatamente, Big Trouble in Little China/Escape From New York #1 della Boom Studios. Abbiamo già spiegato però come si tratti di un successo che ha meriti commerciali che esulano dalle normali logiche del mercato e che poco hanno a che vedere con l’effettiva richiesta del pubblico per il suddetto prodotto.
A seguire vediamo invece l’eterno testa a testa tra Marvel e DC Comics con quest’ultima in decisa ripresa rispetto agli anni passati e che anzi si prende con prepotenza, grazie all’iniziativa Rebirth, la fetta più grossa di mercato.
Su un totale di 29.446.077 copie vendute le vendite sono ripartite infatti così:
DC Comics: 16.828.698 copie. Ovvero il 57.3%
Marvel Comics: 10.822.130 copie. Ovvero il 36.7%
Image Comics: 1.107.284 copie. Ovvero il 3.7%
Altri: 687.965 copie. Ovvero il 2.3%
Dal punto di vista dell’incasso totale permangono le posizioni sebbene in percentuali diverse (dovute soprattutto al taglio di prezzo degli albi Rebirth).
Su un totale di 111.970.510 $ il mercato si è suddiviso così:
DC Comics: 56.938.429 $. Ovvero il 50.8%
Marvel Comics: 48.901.354 $. Ovvero il 43.7%
Image Comics: 3.385.746 $. Ovvero il 3%
Altri: 2.744.980 $. Ovvero il 2.5%
Il dato inoltre non tiene conto di vari fattori: i reorder (che ad esempio aggiungerebbe qualche decina di migliaia di copie in più al primo Captain America: Steve Rogers e a DC Universe Rebirth) e degli albi DC contrassegnati con l’asterisco (le cui vendite sono ribassate artificiosamente del 10% per via delle possibilità di reso degli albi).
Adesso facciamo un “gioco” interessante: a questa classifica togliamo tutti i numeri uno e due (che hanno sempre delle vendite gonfiate per via dell’interesse iniziale e delle variant cover) e anche i megacrossover (in questo caso solo Civil War II) per vedere come si comporta il mercato degli albi “normali”.
I risultati sono questi:
Copie vendute totali 14.487.193:
DC Comics: 8.840.280 copie. Ovvero il 61%
Marvel Comics: 4.614.596 copie. Ovvero il 31.9%
Image Comics: 1.032.317. Ovvero il 7.1%
Incassi totali 54.075.546 $
DC Comics: 30.969.000 $. Ovvero il 56.3%
Marvel Comics: 20.019.918 $. Ovvero il 37%
Image Comics: $3.086.627 $. Ovvero il 5.7%
Ne conseguono quindi alcune considerazioni:
- Gli albi Rebirth hanno passato il test dei primi numeri riuscendo a mantenere i lettori a bordo (probabilmente anche per via della quindicinalità
- L’unico vero grosso successo commerciale della Marvel nel 2016 è stato il criticatissimo Civil War II. Tolto quello il divario tra le due case editirici si allarga
- La Image è la casa editrice che più riesce a fidelizzare i lettori