Agosto da Record per i comic-book in USA. Continua il successo di Rebirth.
La DC Comics, con il suo rilancio, trascina il mercato dei fumetti statunitensi verso un risultato senza precedenti negli ultimi 20 anni.
Lo scorso Agosto la Diamond, distributore esclusivo di comic-book per l’intero mercato statunitense, ha spedito 10.26 milioni di albi nelle fumetterie americane. Si tratta della prima volta dal 1998, anno in cui la Diamond ha acquisito l’esclusiva, che vengono vendute più di 10 milioni di copie in Nord America. Questa è anche la prima volta che viene reso pubblico il numero di copie mensili distribuite; precedentemente sono state annunciate solo le copie annuali (98 milioni ne 2015).
La logica conseguenza di questo boom è che il 2016, fino a Luglio in calo rispetto al 2015, è diventato un anno estremamente positivo per il mercato USA. I rivenditori hanno ordinato 57.66 milioni di dollari in fumetti e Graphic Novel, il 31.62% in più rispetto all’Agosto dello scorso anno, portando il totale annuale a 388.35 milioni di dollari, quasi il 3% in più rispetto al 2015.
Agosto 2016 vs Luglio 2016 | ||
Comics | 13.30% | 8.28% |
Graphic Novels | 16.50% | 19.21% |
Total Comics/GNs | 14.13% | 8.95% |
Agosto 2016 vs Agosto 2015 | ||
Comics | 44.58% | 44.02% |
Graphic Novels | 5.53% | 7.15% |
Total Comics/GNs | 31.62% | 40.77% |
2016 VS. 2015 | ||
Comics | 2.66% | 0.06% |
Graphic Novels | 2.81% | 1.10% |
Total Comics/GNs | 2.71% | 0.14% |
Trascinata dal successo dell’operazione Rebirth la DC Comics riconferma il successo dello scorso mese aggiudicandosi la fetta maggiore degli incassi e delle copie vendute.
Editore | Dollari | Copie |
DC | 39.27% | 44.59% |
Marvel | 30.78% | 32.11% |
Image | 7.66% | 7.78% |
IDW | 4.92% | 3.53% |
Dark Horse | 3.08% | 2.28% |
Boom | 1.98% | 1.57% |
Dynamite | 1.57% | 1.14% |
Titan | 1.19% | 1.09% |
Viz | 1.14% | 0.41% |
Oni | 0.83% | 0.55% |
Other | 7.58% | 4.94% |
Il dato è ancor più interessante se si considera che è stato ottenuto con il 25% in meno degli albi pubblicati rispetto alla diretta concorrente Marvel Comics; 109 uscite contro 128.
Editore | Comic-Books | Volumi | Riviste | Totale |
Marvel | 93 | 35 | 0 | 128 |
DC | 75 | 33 | 1 | 109 |
IDW | 53 | 31 | 0 | 84 |
Image | 52 | 11 | 1 | 64 |
Dark Horse | 26 | 16 | 0 | 42 |
Titan | 20 | 10 | 2 | 32 |
Boom | 22 | 8 | 0 | 30 |
Dynamite | 22 | 6 | 0 | 28 |
Viz | 0 | 24 | 0 | 24 |
Oni | 10 | 2 | 0 | 12 |
Altri | 144 | 117 | 24 | 285 |
Total | 517 | 293 | 28 | 838 |
Come al solito troviamo gli albi DC Comics – Rebirth contrassegnati con un asterisco (*). Il motivo è che le cifre relative alle vendite sono state abbassate in maniera forfettaria del 10% per via del fatto che su questi albi i rivenditori possono fare un reso totale delle copie. Quindi in teoria tutte le quantità indicate andrebbero alzate del 10% (Harley Quinn arriverebbe così alle 400.000 copie vendute) anche in virtù della recente indagine di Comichron sulle vendite effettive degli albi contrassegnati con asterisco: in sintesi la quasi totalità degli albi con reso totale degli ultimi anni non è mai stata rimandata indietro all’editore. Va da sé che i 10.26 milioni di albi di cui sopra potrebbero essere ancora di più visto che il motore trainante di questo Agosto dei record è proprio il DC-Rebirth.
Con 39 posti nella top 50 si può tranquillamente affermare che il rilancio della casa editrice di Burbank sia stato un successo di pubblico e, come abbiamo visto, di critica.
Trascinata dal successo cinematografico di Suicide Squad la testata più venduta questo mese è quella di Harley Quinn seguita dal Batman di Snyder e Romita Jr e dalla testata dedicata alla stessa Squad.
Nonostante il momento di predominanza della DC Comics le altre case editrici (principalmente Marvel e Image) sembrano comunque giovare dell’incremento di afflusso nelle fumetterie: Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead e Black Panther infatti incrementano le proprie vendite rispetto al mese precedente.
Titolo | Numero | Prezzo | Editore | Copie | |
1 | Harley Quinn | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 359,957 |
2 | All Star Batman | 1* | $4.99 | DC | 289,348 |
3 | Suicide Squad | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 217,672 |
4 | Amazing Spider-Man | 16 | $3.99 | Marvel | 185,342 |
5 | Suicide Squad Rebirth | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 177,806 |
6 | Batman | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 152,985 |
7 | Batman | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 142,142 |
8 | Justice League | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 127,402 |
9 | Harley Quinn | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 116,651 |
10 | Supergirl Rebirth | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 112,807 |
11 | Justice League | 3* | $2.99 | DC | 110,738 |
12 | Deathstroke Rebirth | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 99,318 |
13 | Walking Dead | 157 | $2.99 | Image | 97,689 |
14 | Nightwing | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 93,131 |
15 | Flash | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 92,916 |
16 | Superwoman | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 92,081 |
17 | Detective Comics | 938* | $2.99 | DC | 88,935 |
18 | Superman | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 88,154 |
19 | Wonder Woman | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 85,329 |
20 | Star Wars | 22 | $3.99 | Marvel | 85,126 |
21 | Red Hood and the Outlaws | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 83,849 |
22 | Black Panther | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 83,756 |
23 | Deathstroke | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 83,602 |
24 | Flash | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 83,482 |
25 | Nightwing | 3* | $2.99 | DC | 81,555 |
26 | Detective Comics | 939* | $2.99 | DC | 81,465 |
27 | Superman | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 81,339 |
28 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 77,972 |
29 | Wonder Woman | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 77,860 |
30 | Batgirl and the Birds of Prey | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 75,892 |
31 | Darth Vader | 24 | $3.99 | Marvel | 75,401 |
32 | Amazing Spider-Man | 17 | $3.99 | Marvel | 74,869 |
33 | Blue Beetle Rebirth | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 72,993 |
34 | Titans | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 72,799 |
35 | New Super Man | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 72,522 |
36 | Action Comics | 961* | $2.99 | DC | 71,821 |
37 | Green Lanterns | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 71,140 |
38 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 8 | $3.99 | Marvel | 69,519 |
39 | Star Wars Han Solo | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 67,816 |
40 | Green Arrow | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 67,577 |
41 | Fallen | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 66,578 |
42 | Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps | 3* | $2.99 | DC | 64,737 |
43 | Action Comics | 962* | $2.99 | DC | 64,328 |
44 | Green Lanterns | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 64,252 |
45 | Green Arrow | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 63,209 |
46 | Batgirl | 2* | $2.99 | DC | 62,374 |
47 | Accused | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 62,363 |
48 | Aquaman | 4* | $2.99 | DC | 61,492 |
49 | Hellblazer | 1* | $2.99 | DC | 59,734 |
50 | Deadpool | 17 | $3.99 | Marvel | 57,681 |
51 | Deadpool | 16 | $3.99 | Marvel | 55,577 |
52 | Aquaman | 5* | $2.99 | DC | 54,929 |
53 | Star Wars Poe Dameron | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 52,581 |
54 | Old Man Logan | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 52,175 |
55 | Invincible Iron Man | 12 | $3.99 | Marvel | 50,571 |
56 | Doctor Strange | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 50,083 |
57 | Saga | 37 | $2.99 | Image | 50,016 |
58 | Captain America Steve Rogers | 4 | $4.99 | Marvel | 49,559 |
59 | Spider-Man | 7 | $3.99 | Marvel | 47,678 |
60 | All New All Different Avengers | 13 | $3.99 | Marvel | 46,257 |
61 | All New All Different Avengers Annual | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 45,992 |
62 | Mighty Thor | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 45,929 |
63 | Extraordinary X-Men | 13 | $3.99 | Marvel | 45,037 |
64 | Justice League of America | 9 | $3.99 | DC | 44,700 |
65 | Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 44,471 |
66 | Punisher | 4 | $3.99 | Marvel | 44,154 |
67 | Civil War II Choosing Sides | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 43,768 |
68 | Uncanny X-Men | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 42,779 |
69 | Deadpool Vs Gambit | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 42,561 |
70 | Star Wars Force Awakens Adaptation | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 41,575 |
71 | Daredevil | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 40,775 |
72 | All New Wolverine | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 40,312 |
73 | Daredevil Annual | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 39,635 |
74 | Uncanny Avengers | 12 | $3.99 | Marvel | 39,337 |
75 | All New X-Men | 12 | $3.99 | Marvel | 39,289 |
76 | Harleys Little Black Book | 4 | $4.99 | DC | 38,545 |
77 | Deadpool Vs Gambit | 4 | $3.99 | Marvel | 38,173 |
78 | All New Wolverine Annual | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 38,106 |
79 | Civil War II X-Men | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 37,976 |
80 | Moon Knight | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 37,934 |
81 | Uncanny Avengers | 13 | $3.99 | Marvel | 37,908 |
82 | Deadpool And Mercs For Money | 2 | $3.99 | Marvel | 36,571 |
83 | Spider-Gwen | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 36,212 |
84 | Guardians of Galaxy | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 34,914 |
85 | Tmnt Universe | 1* | $4.99 | IDW | 34,471 |
86 | Paper Girls | 8 | $2.99 | Image | 33,731 |
87 | Harley Quinn And Her Gang of Harleys | 4 | $3.99 | DC | 31,727 |
88 | Civil War II Choosing Sides | 4 | $3.99 | Marvel | 31,464 |
89 | Uncanny Inhumans | 12 | $3.99 | Marvel | 31,357 |
90 | Marvel Tsum Tsum | 1 | $3.99 | Marvel | 30,515 |
91 | Captain America Sam Wilson | 12 | $3.99 | Marvel | 30,479 |
92 | Gwenpool | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 30,232 |
93 | Kill or Be Killed | 1 | $3.99 | Image | 30,050 |
94 | Harley Quinn And Her Gang of Harleys | 5 | $3.99 | DC | 29,616 |
95 | Ms Marvel | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 29,395 |
96 | Daredevil Punisher | 4 | $4.99 | Marvel | 29,225 |
97 | Civil War Ii Kingpin | 2 | $3.99 | Marvel | 28,720 |
98 | International Iron Man | 6 | $3.99 | Marvel | 28,337 |
99 | Spawn Kills Everyone One Shot | $2.99 | Image | 28,227 | |
100 | Scooby Apocalypse | 4 | $3.99 | DC | 28,148 |
101 | A-Force | 8 | $3.99 | Marvel | 27,743 |
102 | New Avengers | 15 | $3.99 | Marvel | 27,140 |
103 | Ultimates | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 26,848 |
104 | Black Monday Murders | 1 | $4.99 | Image | 26,696 |
105 | Suicide Squad War Crimes Special | 1 | $4.99 | DC | 25,518 |
106 | Future Quest | 4 | $3.99 | DC | 25,472 |
107 | Civil War II Ulysses | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 25,230 |
108 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | 6 | $3.99 | Boom | 25,161 |
109 | Uncanny Inhumans Annual | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 25,074 |
110 | Power Man And Iron Fist | 7 | $3.99 | Marvel | 24,163 |
111 | Black Widow | 6 | $3.99 | Marvel | 24,106 |
112 | Civil War II Gods of War | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 23,944 |
113 | Snotgirl | 2 | $2.99 | Image | 23,830 |
114 | Captain Marvel | 8 | $3.99 | Marvel | 23,024 |
115 | Astonishing Ant-Man | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 22,836 |
116 | Spider-Man 2099 | 13 | $3.99 | Marvel | 22,793 |
117 | I Hate Fairyland | 8 | $3.50 | Image | 22,562 |
118 | X-Men 92 | 6 | $3.99 | Marvel | 22,175 |
119 | Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta | 20 | $2.99 | Image | 21,919 |
120 | Spider-Man 2099 | 14 | $3.99 | Marvel | 21,908 |
121 | Silk | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 21,833 |
122 | Tokyo Ghost | 9 | $3.99 | Image | 20,860 |
123 | Carnage | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 20,709 |
124 | Rocket Raccoon And Groot | 8 | $3.99 | Marvel | 20,646 |
125 | Vision | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 20,523 |
126 | Tokyo Ghost | 10 | $3.99 | Image | 20,355 |
127 | Briggs Land | 1* | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 20,228 |
128 | Flintstones | 2 | $3.99 | DC | 19,612 |
129 | Spider-Woman | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 19,251 |
130 | Squadron Supreme | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 19,119 |
131 | Teen Titans | 23 | $2.99 | DC | 19,118 |
132 | Silver Surfer | 6 | $4.99 | Marvel | 18,991 |
133 | Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo & Boomerang | 1 | $4.99 | DC | 18,660 |
134 | Afterlife With Archie | 10 | $4.99 | Archie | 18,450 |
135 | Spidey | 9 | $3.99 | Marvel | 18,348 |
136 | Thunderbolts | 4 | $3.99 | Marvel | 18,128 |
137 | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual | 1 | $7.99 | Boom | 18,036 |
138 | Batman Beyond | 15 | $2.99 | DC | 17,882 |
139 | Invader Zim | 12 | $3.99 | Oni | 17,697 |
140 | DC Comics Bombshells | 16 | $3.99 | DC | 17,623 |
141 | Venom Space Knight | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 17,548 |
142 | Descender | 14 | $2.99 | Image | 17,296 |
143 | Scarlet Witch | 9 | $3.99 | Marvel | 17,000 |
144 | Empress | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 16,954 |
145 | Earth 2 Society | 15 | $2.99 | DC | 16,884 |
146 | Tmnt Ongoing | 61 | $3.99 | IDW | 16,747 |
147 | Lady Killer 2 | 1 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 16,665 |
148 | East of West | 29 | $3.99 | Image | 16,613 |
149 | DC Comics Bombshells Annual | 1 | $4.99 | DC | 16,469 |
150 | Vote Loki | 3 | $3.99 | Marvel | 16,383 |
151 | All New Inhumans | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 16,277 |
152 | Generation Zero | 1 | $3.99 | Valiant | 16,270 |
153 | Black Hammer | 2 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 16,201 |
154 | Jupiters Legacy Vol. 2 | 3 | $3.99 | Image | 16,111 |
155 | Wicked & Divine | 22 | $3.50 | Image | 15,969 |
156 | Spawn | 265 | $2.99 | Image | 15,927 |
157 | Mockingbird | 6 | $3.99 | Marvel | 15,690 |
158 | Agents of Shield | 8 | $3.99 | Marvel | 15,519 |
159 | Earth 2 Society Annual | 1 | $4.99 | DC | 15,431 |
160 | Six Pack & Dog Welder Hard Travelin Heroez | 1 | $3.99 | DC | 15,165 |
161 | Rom | 2* | $3.99 | IDW | 14,816 |
162 | Legend of Wonder Woman | 9 | $3.99 | DC | 14,790 |
163 | Nova | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 14,766 |
164 | Archie | 11 | $3.99 | Archie | 14,765 |
165 | Demonic | 1 | $2.99 | Image | 14,442 |
166 | Web Warriors | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 14,066 |
167 | Howard The Duck | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 14,062 |
168 | Unbeatable Squirrel Girl | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 13,872 |
169 | Predator Vs Judge Dredd Vs Aliens | 2 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 13,854 |
170 | Wacky Raceland | 3 | $3.99 | DC | 13,648 |
171 | James Bond | 8 | $3.99 | Dynamite | 13,620 |
172 | My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic | 45 | $3.99 | IDW | 13,263 |
173 | Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five | 15 | $2.99 | DC | 13,258 |
174 | Klaus | 7 | $3.99 | Boom | 13,056 |
175 | Low | 15 | $3.99 | Image | 12,955 |
176 | James Bond | 9 | $3.99 | Dynamite | 12,917 |
177 | Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five | 16 | $2.99 | DC | 12,914 |
178 | Black Science | 23 | $3.99 | Image | 12,466 |
179 | Marvels Doctor Strange Prelude | 2 | $3.99 | Marvel | 12,151 |
180 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 | 30 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 12,119 |
181 | Lazarus | 24 | $3.99 | Image | 12,098 |
182 | Invincible | 130 | $2.99 | Image | 11,921 |
183 | Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 11,862 |
184 | 4001 AD War Mother | 4 | $3.99 | Valiant | 11,857 |
185 | Back To The Future | 11* | $3.99 | IDW | 11,805 |
186 | Providence | 10 | $4.99 | Avatar | 11,735 |
187 | Trees | 14 | $2.99 | Image | 11,530 |
188 | Gotham Academy Annual | 1 | $4.99 | DC | 11,505 |
189 | Nighthawk | 4 | $3.99 | Marvel | 11,383 |
190 | My Little Pony Friends Forever | 31 | $3.99 | IDW | 11,350 |
191 | Lumberjanes Gotham Academy | 3 | $3.99 | Boom | 11,280 |
192 | DC Universe Rebirth | 1 | $5.99 | DC | 11,090 |
193 | Batman 66 Meets Steed And Mrs Peel | 2 | $2.99 | DC | 11,079 |
194 | Rick & Morty | 17 | $3.99 | Oni | 10,988 |
195 | Faith | 2 | $3.99 | Valiant | 10,588 |
196 | Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat | 9 | $3.99 | Marvel | 10,486 |
197 | Aliens Defiance | 3 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 10,459 |
198 | 4001 Ad War Mother | 1 | $3.99 | Valiant | 10,289 |
199 | Aliens Defiance | 4 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 10,012 |
200 | Civil War II | 1 | $5.99 | Marvel | 9,789 |
201 | Jim Henson Labyrinth 30Th Anniv Special | 1 | $9.99 | Boom | 9,692 |
202 | Teen Titans Go | 17 | $2.99 | DC | 9,636 |
203 | Conan The Slayer | 2 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 9,561 |
204 | Lucifer | 9 | $3.99 | DC | 9,554 |
205 | Kingsway West | 1 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 9,511 |
206 | Torchwood | 1 | $3.99 | Titan | 9,415 |
207 | Drax | 10 | $3.99 | Marvel | 9,338 |
208 | Lake of Fire | 1 | $3.99 | Image | 9,142 |
209 | Animosity | 1 | $3.99 | Aftershock | 9,081 |
210 | Civil War II | 3 | $4.99 | Marvel | 9,073 |
211 | Hyperion | 6 | $3.99 | Marvel | 8,900 |
212 | Spider-Man Deadpool | 1 | $3.99 | Marvel | 8,721 |
213 | Doctor Fate | 15 | $2.99 | DC | 8,663 |
214 | Hillbilly | 2 | $3.99 | Albatross | 8,662 |
215 | Manifest Destiny | 22 | $2.99 | Image | 8,526 |
216 | Legends of Tomorrow | 6 | $7.99 | DC | 8,432 |
217 | Godzilla Oblivion | 5 | $3.99 | IDW | 8,407 |
218 | Jughead | 8 | $3.99 | Archie | 8,382 |
219 | Prometheus Life And Death | 3 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 8,287 |
220 | Chew | 57 | $3.99 | Image | 8,280 |
221 | Star Trek | 60 | $3.99 | IDW | 8,263 |
222 | Transformers | 55 | $3.99 | IDW | 8,218 |
223 | Birthright | 18 | $2.99 | Image | 8,146 |
224 | World of Tanks | 1 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 8,056 |
225 | Transformers More Than Meets Eye | 56 | $3.99 | IDW | 8,042 |
226 | Tank Girl 2 Girls 1 Tank | 3 | $3.99 | Titan | 7,996 |
227 | Jem & The Holograms | 18 | $3.99 | IDW | 7,972 |
228 | Back To The Future Citizen Brown | 4 | $4.99 | IDW | 7,961 |
229 | Horizon | 2 | $2.99 | Image | 7,860 |
230 | X-O Manowar | 49 | $3.99 | Valiant | 7,782 |
231 | Nailbiter | 24 | $2.99 | Image | 7,780 |
232 | Tales From The Darkside | 3* | $3.99 | IDW | 7,733 |
233 | Bloodshot Reborn | 16 | $3.99 | Valiant | 7,707 |
234 | Transformers | 56 | $3.99 | IDW | 7,689 |
235 | Micronauts | 5* | $3.99 | IDW | 7,667 |
236 | Edens Fall | 1 | $3.99 | Image | 7,613 |
237 | Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original | 1 | $3.99 | Boom | 7,553 |
238 | X-Files | 5* | $3.99 | IDW | 7,539 |
239 | Powerpuff Girls | 2* | $3.99 | IDW | 7,537 |
240 | Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen | 2 | $3.99 | Titan | 7,516 |
241 | Tank Girl 2 Girls 1 Tank | 4 | $3.99 | Titan | 7,516 |
242 | Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 | 1 | $3.99 | Dynamite | 7,480 |
243 | Renato Jones One Percent | 4 | $3.99 | Image | 7,418 |
244 | Bobs Burgers Ongoing | 14 | $3.99 | Dynamite | 7,341 |
245 | Dark Souls | 4 | $3.99 | Titan | 7,337 |
246 | Adventure Time Comics | 2 | $3.99 | Boom | 7,329 |
247 | Disney Princess | 5 | $2.99 | Joe Books | 7,228 |
248 | Transformers Till All Are One | 3 | $3.99 | IDW | 7,190 |
249 | Dark Tower Drawing of Three Bitter Medicine | 5 | $3.99 | Marvel | 7,156 |
250 | Ninjak | 18 | $3.99 | Valiant | 7,043 |
251 | Civil War II | 2 | $4.99 | Marvel | 7,017 |
252 | Black Road | 5 | $3.99 | Image | 6,912 |
253 | Star Wars Han Solo | 1 | $3.99 | Marvel | 6,885 |
254 | Duck Avenger | 0 | $4.99 | IDW | 6,851 |
255 | Harrow County | 15 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 6,800 |
256 | A Year of Marvels Unstoppable | 1 | $4.99 | Marvel | 6,796 |
257 | Godzilla Rage Across Time | 1 | $3.99 | IDW | 6,758 |
258 | Doctor Who 10th Year Two | 13 | $3.99 | Titan | 6,722 |
259 | My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: IDW Greatest Hits Edition | 1 | $1.00 | IDW | 6,705 |
260 | G.I. Joe A Real American Hero | 231 | $3.99 | IDW | 6,582 |
261 | Rai | 16 | $3.99 | Valiant | 6,575 |
262 | Street Fighter X G.I. Joe | 6* | $3.99 | IDW | 6,571 |
263 | Adventure Time | 55 | $3.99 | Boom | 6,482 |
264 | Kong of Skull Island | 2 | $3.99 | Boom | 6,476 |
265 | Hunt | 2 | $3.99 | Image | 6,453 |
266 | Doctor Who 9th | 4 | $3.99 | Titan | 6,397 |
267 | Simpsons Comics | 232 | $3.99 | Bongo | 6,397 |
268 | Discipline | 6 | $2.99 | Image | 6,381 |
269 | Sonic The Hedgehog | 285 | $3.99 | Archie | 6,280 |
270 | Doctor Who 11th Year Two | 12 | $3.99 | Titan | 6,257 |
271 | Evil Heroes | 1 | $3.99 | Zenescope | 6,250 |
272 | A&A | 6 | $3.99 | Valiant | 6,247 |
273 | BPRD Hell On Earth | 144 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 6,233 |
274 | Invincible Iron Man | 7 | $3.99 | Marvel | 6,224 |
275 | Justice League Rebirth | 1 | $2.99 | DC | 6,211 |
276 | Ghostbusters International | 7 | $3.99 | IDW | 6,169 |
277 | Lumberjanes | 29 | $3.99 | Boom | 6,139 |
278 | Witchfinder City of the Dead | 1 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 6,116 |
279 | Civil War II | 0 | $4.99 | Marvel | 6,049 |
280 | Penny Dreadful | 3 | $3.99 | Titan | 6,004 |
281 | Cinema Purgatorio | 4 | $5.99 | Avatar | 5,963 |
282 | Groo Fray of the Gods | 2 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 5,946 |
283 | Ghostbusters International | 8 | $3.99 | IDW | 5,937 |
284 | Clean Room | 11 | $3.99 | DC | 5,906 |
285 | Rumble | 13 | $3.50 | Image | 5,904 |
286 | Futurama Comics | 80 | $3.99 | Bongo | 5,892 |
287 | Doctor Who 12th Year Two | 8 | $3.99 | Titan | 5,798 |
288 | Backstagers | 1 | $3.99 | Boom | 5,780 |
289 | Bloodlines | 5 | $2.99 | DC | 5,767 |
290 | Bounty | 2 | $3.99 | Dark Horse | 5,747 |
291 | Deadpool | 15 | $3.99 | Marvel | 5,714 |
292 | Mycroft | 1 | $3.99 | Titan | 5,704 |
293 | Evil Ernie Godeater | 1 | $4.99 | Dynamite | 5,626 |
294 | Sherlock A Study In Pink | 3 | $3.99 | Titan | 5,621 |
295 | Amazing Spider-Man | 15 | $3.99 | Marvel | 5,588 |
296 | Sheriff of Babylon | 9 | $3.99 | DC | 5,587 |
297 | Sonic Universe | 88 | $3.99 | Archie | 5,563 |
298 | Shadow Death of Margo Lane | 3 | $3.99 | Dynamite | 5,562 |
299 | Spread | 15 | $3.99 | Image | 5,559 |
300 | Uncanny Inhumans | 11 | $3.99 | Marvel | 5,497 |
302 | Disney Darkwing Duck | 4 | $2.99 | Joe Books | 5,433 |
304 | Spongebob Comics | 59 | $3.99 | United Plankton | 5,341 |
307 | Sonic Universe | 89 | $3.99 | Archie | 5,292 |
313 | Wrath of the Eternal Warrior | 10 | $3.99 | Valiant | 5,149 |
315 | Street Fighter Unlimited | 9 | $3.99 | Udon | 5,070 |
316 | Street Fighter Legends Cammy | 2 | $3.99 | Udon | 5,062 |
323 | Zombie Tramp Ongoing | 26 | $4.99 | Action Lab | 4,824 |
327 | Grimm Fairy Tales Grimm Fairy Tales | 125 | $9.99 | Zenescope | 4,762 |
332 | Rough Riders | 5 | $3.99 | Aftershock | 4,692 |
335 | War Stories | 19 | $3.99 | Avatar | 4,62 |
338 | Grant Morrison’s Avatarex | 2 | $3.99 | Graphic India | 4,554 |
344 | Grimm Fairy Tales Wonderland | 50 | $5.99 | Zenescope | 4,452 |
359 | Disney Pixar Finding Dory | 2 | $2.99 | Joe Books | 4,128 |
360 | Pink Panther | 3 | $3.99 | American Mythology | 4,038 |
362 | Grimm Fairy Tales Van Helsing Vs Frankenstein | 1 | $3.99 | Zenescope | 3,994 |
376 | Voltron Legendary Defender | 2 | $2.99 | Lion Forge | 3,669 |
377 | Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Apocalypse | 1 | $3.99 | Zenescope | 3,661 |
379 | Wraithborn | 6 | $3.99 | Benitez | 3,618 |
382 | Grimm Fairy Tales Robyn Hood I Love Ny | 3 | $3.99 | Zenescope | 3,498 |
390 | Insexts | 7 | $3.99 | Aftershock | 3,421 |
391 | Stargate Atlantis Back To Pegasus | 3 | $3.99 | American Mythology | 3,416 |
393 | Aspen Universe Revelations | 2 | $3.99 | Aspen | 3,366 |
394 | Valiant Universe Handbook 2016 | 1 | $2.99 | Valiant | 3,355 |
397 | La Muerta Last Rites | 1 | $7.99 | Coffin | 3,252 |
403 | Am Dark Werewolves Vs Dinosaurs | 1 | $3.99 | American Mythology | 3,123 |
404 | Black Eyed Kids | 5 | $3.99 | Aftershock | 3,116 |
409 | Jungle Fantasy Ivory | 1 | $5.99 | Avatar | 2,920 |
413 | Jungle Fantasy Ivory | 1 Nude Cvr | $7.99 | Avatar | 2,867 |
Questo mese la Marvel Comics riesce però a piazzare alcuni colpi importanti nelle vendite dei volumi piazzando ben 5 volumi nella Top 20 e confermando la forza editoriale della linea Star Wars che sta ottenendo ottimi risultati anche nelle librerie di varia.
Pos | Titolo | Prezzo | Editore | Copie |
1 | Star Wars Darth Vader Vol. 3 Shu Torun War | $16.99 | Marvel | 7,098 |
2 | Batman The Killing Joke Special Ed HC | $17.99 | DC | 6,863 |
3 | Black Panther Book 1 Nation Under Our Feet | $16.99 | Marvel | 6,765 |
4 | Spider-Man Deadpool Vol. 1 Isnt It Bromantic | $17.99 | Marvel | 6,763 |
5 | Star Wars Vol. 3 Rebel Jail | $19.99 | Marvel | 6,689 |
6 | Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HC | $24.99 | DC | 6,585 |
7 | Saga Vol. 6 | $14.99 | Image | 6,415 |
8 | Teen Titans Earth One HC Vol. 2 | $22.99 | DC | 6,222 |
9 | Harley Quinn Book And Mask Set | $34.99 | DC | 4,660 |
10 | Harley Quinn & Suicide Squad An Adult Coloring Book | $15.99 | DC | 4,491 |
11 | Deadly Class Vol. 4 Die For Me | $14.99 | Image | 4,490 |
12 | Monstress Vol. 1 | $9.99 | Image | 4,330 |
13 | Pretty Deadly Vol. 2 The Bear | $14.99 | Image | 3,878 |
14 | Batman Noir The Killing Joke HC | $24.99 | DC | 3,785 |
15 | Deadpool And Mercs For Money Vol. 0 Merc Madness | $16.99 | Marvel | 3,729 |
16 | Rick & Morty Vol. 1 | $19.99 | Oni | 3,490 |
17 | Invader Zim Vol. 2 | $19.99 | Oni | 3,460 |
18 | Deadpool Worlds Greatest Vol. 3 Deadpool Vs Sabretooth | $15.99 | Marvel | 3,404 |
19 | Paper Girls Vol. 1 | $9.99 | Image | 3,288 |
20 | Injection Vol. 2 | $14.99 | Image | 3,248 |